At YogiBees, we use themes and stories to practice children’s yoga. Using our imagination and a lot of fun, we take our little YogiBees on an adventure with games that use yoga poses, breathing techniques and meditation.

Each session uses a different story and YogiBees learn how to express feelings, build confidence, face fears and understand their bodies a little better whilst being in a safe and nurturing environment.
The use of props such as musical instruments, games, affirmation cards and of course our mascot, Brenda the bee, means our classes are always fun, engaging and exciting.
We offer classes for children aged 2-12 as well as 1-to-1 sessions on request, jam packed with age appropriate content, delivered by qualified instructors. Classes have a limited capacity to ensure children are comfortable and can participate safely, creating little hives that encourage YogiBees to support one another and learn together.
Our instructors have all the necessary disclosure checks and insurances.